Create a complete picture of functional skills across the lifespan
The ABAS-3 is used to create a complete picture of functional skills for individuals of all ages. Items focus on practical, everyday activities required to function, meet environmental demands, care for oneself, and interact with others effectively and independently. On a four-point response scale, raters indicate whether and how frequently the individual performs each activity.
Key Features:
- Provides new norms, updated item content, and improved ease of use
- Assesses 11 essential skill areas within three major adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical
- Identifies adaptive behavior strengths and weaknesses
- Integrates assessment, intervention planning, and progress monitoring
- Offers compatibility with AAIDD, DSM-5, and IDEA
Key Areas Measured
- Communication
- Community Use
- Functional Academics
- Health and Safety
- Home or School Living
- Leisure
- Self-Care
- Social
- Work
- Motor